Management Service Pack
With every company formation you will receive unlimited ‘Company Management Services Pack’ FREE for the first year valued at over £130.
We have made life easier to ensure that you don’t need to worry about the legal compliance side of your business, which can be very costly. So sit back and enjoy our free bolt on FREE of charge, our gift to you for choosing the right formation company in the business.
Seed Formations will assist you in making sure your company is compliant, plus save you a load of money in the process, all via our secure company management tool, as well as email and call assistance to make sure the changes you need are made correctly and promptly.
How to get the Management Service Pack FREE
Form a Company with Seed Formations
If you form your company with Seed Formations, we will give the Management Service Pack free of charge for 12 months. The service will renew after 12 months at £19.99 per year. You can choose to cancel the renewal should you wish to.
Import an Existing Company
If you haven’t formed a company with Seed Formations and want to access our awesome cost defying Company Management Service Pack, you can still do so by importing your company and we will give you the same opportunity to get our service free for the first year, just click here
Renewal Price
This service will renew in year at the price of £19.99 per annum after 12 months.
*Companies House fees are not included in our ‘Management Services Package’
What’s Included
Unlimited Change of Directors & Company Secretary
- Edit current Director details such as address and name.
- Add new or remove old Directors
- Appoint or remove a Company Secretary
Free Reminders of submission deadlines for
- Annual accounts due date
- Confirmation statement due date
- PSC register update
Unlimited changes to your PSC Register
- Edit existing PSC (change type of control of PSC, etc)
- Add or remove persons with control
- Change voting rights
Other Company Management Services
- Update Authentication code
- Change registered office address
- Change Accounting Reference Date
Ways To Buy
If you are a new customer and you already have a company then you can create an account with us and import your existing company into your company manager and order the service from the shop.
Already have an account with us then just login and go to the shop and add the service to the cart and checkout.
Form A Company Today
If you would like to order this service and form a company you can choose from our list of formation packages
Already have a company?
Already have a company and would like to purchase this service then register an account with us and import your company Sign Up
Already have an account with us, then just login into your company manager area and go to the shop and purchase the service Login
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UK Registered Office Address
Use our elite central London office address as your company’s address.
£0.99 p/m
Apostilled Documents
Legalise your company documents – acceptable in 116 different countries around the world.£79.99
Certificate of Incorporation
Get a printed and posted Certificate of Incorporation delivered to your address.
Notarised Documents
Get your Company Documents certified as being a true copy of the original.
Our Partners
Choose Seed Formations as your company formation agent and become part of something great
Why our customers love us
So much more than Company Formation Agents
Outstanding Customer Services
We value each customer as an individual. Our team are available to support you through the formation of your company and during the life of your company from 9am to 6pm Mondays to Fridays. Simply call us, email us or use our live chat support.
Approved Registration Agents
There are only a few registered agents approved by Companies House in the UK and we are proud to be one of them. This means we are allowed to submit and support your application to form a company from start to end.
Experience you can rely on
We've been forming companies and supporting new businesses in the UK for many years. We have the skills and experience to ensure your company formation is successful and that your business is ready to grow and compete in an exciting startup market.