When you decide to form a new company, it requires complete focus, dedication and an unwavering desire to establish a scalable brand. Also, the brand-building effort also requires a well-established and credible business image.

Undoubtedly, selecting the right location goes a long way in establishing your brand, something you must take into account when forming a new company. In the initial stage of company registration, you may be prompted to specifically declare the registered office address. Thus, let us outline what it exactly means and how significant it is for your business.

A Legal Requirement

Well, a registered office address is indeed a legal requirement as per the UK company law. You cannot run or even start a private limited company including limited liability partnership in the United Kingdom unless you have a registered office address.

Thus, to acquire corporate transparency, the details of your registered office will be placed on all public records. Also, you may change the registered office address anytime you wish.

Can Home Address Be Used As Registered Office Address?

Even though a home address is permitted to be used as a registered office, it isn’t recommended or mandatory. It is advised to have a separate office address as it is professional and assists in keeping your house address private.

Some of the non-residential registered office address benefits include:

  • The option can easily be beneficial in preventing the arrival of unwelcomed visitors along with unsolicited mail to the house address since the residential address use will disclose business details.
  • A registered office address and that too at some prestigious location may help acquire potential investors and increase your customer base.
  • The company can easily exude an established and credible image by declaring a professional and non-residential office address
  • A non-residential address establishes a well-defined distinction between your personal and professional life.
  • When you own a registered office address in some large and well-known city, it allows establishing and new firms to expand their geographical reach, specifically beneficial for firms located in remote areas or small towns.

Remember, before you go for UK company formation with registered address, understand its importance and advantages properly along with all the associated implications. As stated earlier, your registered office address can be changed later on unless it is not outside the part of the UK as the company formation.