Jeffery H. dyer, 2009 identified five behavioral patterns that distinguish the most creative and innovative executives from the ordinary. Apart from this, many research studies indicate that almost every innovative entrepreneurs spend 50 percent of their time refining and polishing their five skills than the ones with no track record of creativity or innovation.

Following is the list of five “discovery skills” that every entrepreneur should acquire to become the next big name in today’s digital world:


Association and linkages between seemingly unrelated problems and ideas from different disciplines, is the basic skill that aspiring innovators should possess. When the people with different fields are brought together on one platform, they develop an association that leads to a new idea.

This amalgamation of ideas through association is very crucial to be an innovator. The world’s most innovative companies prosper through embracing association between founders, executives and employees.


The real wonders of innovation do not arise from exploring answers, but by exploring questions. Many best ideas came from questions like “what’s next? What if? And why?” These questions can create potentially successful ideas that no one has ever imagined. These questing skills allow an entrepreneur to break the status quo, so if we start questioning things in today’s competitive business landscape, we can be the next big thing.


Observatory skills are the most valuable addition to the innovator’s kit. Observing your surroundings, keeping an eye on people’s behaviors will allow you to get insights about what people actually want. By doing so, you can come up with ideas to cater to their needs more purposefully and innovatively.


An entrepreneur should be daring and shouldn’t be afraid to take risks. Experimenting new ideas and engaging in experimental activities can help generate new ideas. For example, Walt Disney was ridiculed at first for coming up with an idea of animation, but he later succeeded with constant efforts and experimentation.


Engaging in testing and experimentation through the network of individuals helps entrepreneurs to come up with out of the box strategies and unique perspectives. Most people use networking skills to boost their business sales and expand their reach.

Similarly, innovators use networking to meet new people and get familiar with new perspectives to devise a range of solutions. This helps them to fill their knowledge gap that eventually leads to innovative solutions.

So, if you too, looking for ways to establish an innovation-driven company in the UK, make sure to seek professional guidance so that you can start your journey in the right direction. Also, professionals can help you with various company formation requirements such as how to go about the process of forming a company in the UK with registered address. Good luck!